Episode 13
You're NEVER too old for sex, but sex does change once you get...older, right? #FlatteringLighting #ArthritisMedication #AssPlayIsOnTheMenu
Lucky Episode 13: Sex After 40 covers combo locks, econo-size bottles of lube, "accidental fetish finds," tossing of salads on the first date, using tongues and toes if hydraulics ain't working just right, why blindfolds are the new Viagra and communication skills that fall way short of actual words. MUST BE REALLY HIGH TO RIDE THIS RIDE and we do recommend updating your will and notarizing your medical Power of Attorney before swiping right. #PullMyPlug #OnlyIfUrIntoThat #MedicalKink4Lyfe #SafetyThird
Blake and Bonnie snicker, snark, giggle and gamely try to offer a Primer To Sex Over 40 for those of you living through the experience, those of you just getting back into the game, and those of you just bringing popcorn and score cards to admire the train wreck. #Blindfolds4Lyfe #FunnyAF #ItHappensToAllOfUs
Art by Emily Taylor | Sound Engineering by Jamey Young