Season 2 | Episode 8


The Wizard of Ex- An Interview With The Sound Guy

Do you really think Blake and Bonnie are as clever and funny as they sound? Do you also believe that unicorns and effective politicians are real, too? #IveGotBadNews4U #DontSitOnUnicorns #OrPoliticians

Blake and Bonnie invite Jamey Young, their immensely talented sound engineer, onto the show to talk about crutch words, being an audio voyeur, whether Blake uses the phrases "candidly" and "I'm just being honest" as a way to deflect from answering the questions (Spoiler Alert: #Yup), what it's like to listen to two weirdos emotionally eviscerate themselves every week, why more podcasters should hire Jamey and whether being in a long-term relationship is any easier than being single. #SexIsBetter #AloneTimeIsMeTime #BlakeIsWeak #BonnieIsBest

Audio Engineering by Jamey Young | Art by Emily Taylor


Season 2 | Episode 9


Season 2 | Episode 7